2Kaza is on the hunt for the most mythical creature of all: talented software engineers! We’re seeking a technical dream team who will help us build a future where every person has a unicorn to ryde.
From a technical standpoint,2Kaza believes in a future where there are no servers to provision, manage, or scale! Interested candidates can begin following the Serverless Way by exploring the following options:
- Enter our hackathon
- Train in the art of serverless
The Serverless Manifesto:
Functions are the unit of deployment and scaling.
No machines, VMs, or containers visible in the programming model.
Permanent storage lives elsewhere.
Scales per request. Users cannot over- or under-provision capacity.
Never pay for idle (no cold servers/containers or their costs).
Implicitly fault tolerant because functions can run anywhere.
BYOC - Bring your own code.
Metrics and logging are a universal right.