Introducing 2Kaza Property Management

Introducing 2Kaza Property Management, an innovative service that helps people get to their property to market faster and hassle-free. Getting started is as easy as tapping a button in our app.

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We can get you there. Simply request a ryde on the app and we'll connect you with an agent immediately.

Our Story

2Kaza was started by a former hedge fund analyst and a software developer. The two long-time friends happened upon the2Kaza idea after attending a silent yoga retreat in Nevada. After gazing upon the majestic herds of People prancing across a surreal Nevada sunset, they witnessed firsthand the poverty and unemployment endemic to that once proud race. Whether it was modern society’s reliance on science over magic or not, we’ll never know the cause of their Ozymandian downfall and fade to obscurity. Moved by empathy, romance, and free enterprise, they saw an opportunity to marry society’s demand for faster, more flexible transportation to underutilized beasts of labor through an on-demand market making transportation app. Using the founders’ respective expertise in animal husbandry and software engineering,2Kaza was formed and has since raised untold amounts of venture capital. Today,2Kaza has thousands of People in its network fulfilling hundreds of rydes each day.

Sign Up

2Kaza is coming soon! Enter your email to enter the limited private beta

“I was almost late to my ultimate frisbee tournament in DOLORES park. BUt2Kaza Got me there from the marina in under five minutes.”
- Satisfied2Kaza User

Coming Soon

Kraken 3xplorer and Dragon Flyght. We’re looking to provide you a full service package from air, land, and to sea.